5 MIND BLOWING Logo Design Tips ✍
Money September 23rd. 2021, 6:30pm
So over the past couple years, I’ve given a lot of advice when it comes to designing logos. So here are 5 insane logo design tips for anyone who’s just beginning their logo design journey, or well within their journey!
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How To Find Logo Design Ideas:
Hello everyone, welcome back, many of you asked me,
how to find logo design ideas, it was really a hard question
to answer, because I can’t teach you creativity, but there is
some methods that help you get creative and come up
with great logo design concepts.
So today, I am going to walk you through the process of
designing a logo, but I will concentrate on the thinking
behind the design part.
Generating Logo Design Ideas:
In order to generate great logo design ideas, you have to put in the time into the thinking behind the design, it’s a whole process, if you follow it, you will be in good position to come up with good ideas, that works as great solution for the client’s problem.
Creative Brief:
To start the thinking process, you have to collect every
information needed of your client, and this can easily done
by creating a creative brief, It’s a simple document you
send to your client, that ask thoughtful questions about the
client and his business, in order to gather specific
information about the project, and to define your client’s
Analyze brief, discover & research business competitors and target audience.
After sending the creative brief documentto the client,
he will respond with the information needed.
The company name is Royal Veggies Transport.
The client wanted something elegant and classy, at the
same time the logo needs to reflect the veggies aspect.
To achieve that, we will use the logo’s main keywords to
extract some unexpected ideas, that is what we call mind
Mind mapping is the creation of a visual representation of
the words related to the main topic, then finding other
associations to these words, in order to generate creative
logo ideas.
Words Association:
After The mind mapping phase, I make separated lists,
each main word with its associations.
then I take off the words that I find inconvenient to the
project, then I make some combinations of three words,
one word from each list, so I can get some unexpected
ideas for the logo .
Saul Bass said, Design is thinking made visual.
So after all the thinking and the research process it’s time
transform that into a visual.
So, these are the combinations of the word that I extracted
from the Mind Mapping and the word Associations.
To attend the right solution for your logo, you have to
execute all the combinations, then you filter them and the
stronger survive.
I will walk you through the execution of one combination,
which is, Carrot, Crown, Wings.
Putting in mind all the information that I collected before, I
will start by sketching.
It doesn’t require being precise when sketching, it’s only
about capturing the essence of the idea.
In fact, anyone can draw, as I showed you before in the
mood board I collected some Images, I will use it as
reference, if you don’t know how to draw a carrot, look at
a photo of a carrot, and try to do the same thing with
simpler form.
Thank You!!!
Books I learned from : (Affiliate Links)
Logo Design Love : http://amzn.to/2xniLXs
Logo Modernism : http://amzn.to/2eX78Pb
Logo Creed : http://amzn.to/2xmGsPk
Grid Systems in Graphic Design : http://amzn.to/2wRDOzH
Brand Gap : http://amzn.to/2gUlmx9
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Background birds sound:
Dawn Chorus By Sean.Townsend
From Freesound.org
licensed under CC BY 2.0

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