How To Make $8k Per Month On Freelancing With C++ In 2020 – C++ Freelance Jobs For Beginners
Business February 16th. 2021, 7:00pmAre you trying to become profitable as a C++ freelancer but not sure where to start?
In this video, I will show you ways of how some of the Tribal members were able to start from scratch and build their C++ freelancing business. I am basing all the knowledge established on the data of more than 250 people inside of our platform that I analyzed and bringing this research to you to tell you what works based on data, not just on my experience.
Link to my Facebook:
Link to apply to the Tribal Mastermind:
0:00 – Introduction
00:52 – Technical Skills (How To Learn C++ Practically & Without University) & Recruitment (Recruit People To Work For You: Hire Experts To Deliver The Quality & Learn From Other Developers, Manage Projects, Communicate With The Client)
04:15 – How To Find Customers Using Freelancing Platforms & How To Develop Your Sales Process
06:55 – Picking Right Customers & Billing Them
09:35 – 4 Pillars Of The Business Model
💡️ C++ Mid-Market Rate on UpWork is , more information about the mid-rates here:
Top UpWork Skills In 2021: The Most In-Demand Wizardries To Learn Today
and here is a video about all other Top UpWork Skills In 2021:
#C++ #Freelancing

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